Environmental Stewardship

Committed to Protecting Our Rivers

At Tributary Whitewater Tours, it’s not just about having an incredible time whitewater rafting, it’s also about enjoying the rivers themselves and the beautiful landscapes they move through. Tributary is deeply committed to protecting the environment and the rivers we raft on so we can continue to enjoy these incredible places and share them with our guests for many years to come.

Our green initiatives include:

Tree Planting

Every spring, we plant one tree for every 1,000 people we took whitewater rafting the previous year. We look forward to planting more trees each year.

Recycling Program

Every year, our guides collect aluminum cans from our American River Campground. We take the money we earn from recycling them and donate it to a local environmental nonprofit, with a 100% company match from Tributary.

River-Safe Products

We only use biodegradable soap on our multi-day trips. This soap breaks down into water, carbon dioxide, and biological material within six months of being discarded. We also encourage guides and guests to use reef-friendly sunscreen, like Sun Bum. The rivers we raft eventually spill out into the ocean, and we want to ensure we’re only putting safe products into the water. We sell Sun Bum at our store if you need some for your trip.

Non-Profit & Local Community Support

We are members of numerous conservation and environmental groups and in addition every season we donate nearly $10,000 in gift certificates for fundraising events hosted by Rotary, Big Brothers & Sisters, Kiwanis, March of Dimes, and many other philanthropic organizations.

Other Environmental Efforts

  • No single use water bottles – we encourage our guests to bring their own insulated water bottle, if they don’t have one they can purchase one from our store or borrow one from our stash
  • Reusable dishes & utensils – plastic plates and metal utensils are used to all our river trip
  • We practice “Leave no Trace” and encourage all participants on trips to pick up or point out trash on land or river so that we can remove any foreign objects from nature
  • Digital waivers – we try and avoid printing paper waivers and urge or guests to utilize our online waivers that can be signed prior to your rafting trip
  • Less paper in the office – employee schedules and time cards are digital and we offer direct deposit

Environmental Non-Profit Organizations

We also work with several nonprofits and organizations dedicated to sustainable stewardship and promoting the health of American rivers. These include BLM and USFS, as well as:

Friends of the River

Friends of the River have been protecting California’s rivers for 50 years, and focus on improving California’s water supply’s reliability and security, particularly in the face of climate change. They promote clean water, natural heritage, biodiversity, and natural systems. 

American River Conservancy

The American River Conservancy works to create a healthy ecosystem in the Upper American and Upper Cosumnes River watersheds. They focus on land conservation, stewardship, and education. They run programs such as water quality monitoring, bluebird monitoring, and various restoration projects throughout the watershed. 


For 50 years, CalParks has advocated for the health of state parks in California and protecting land for future generations. They are fighting for a fully funded California state park system that is accessible and climate-resilient. 

South Yuba River Citizens League

The South Yuba River Citizens League is working to create a sustainable future in which the Yuba River watershed thrives, and building a community that reflects the relationships between a healthy watershed and a high quality of life. They host events throughout the year to keep the community engaged and informed on the Yuba River watershed. 

American Whitewater

American Whitewater is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of America’s whitewater rivers and to enhancing opportunities for whitewater recreation. Founded in 1954, the organization focuses on the stewardship of whitewater rivers through education, advocacy, and stewardship. They work on various projects, including river conservation efforts, promoting safe and enjoyable river use, and collaborating with government agencies and other stakeholders to protect and restore rivers.